C’mon People!

Posted on Mei 25, 2010


Originally uploaded by patrisius

C’mon people, it’s only two years ahead and you’ll come out as Ma Chung graduates. C’mon, mentees, march on!

The road is not always smooth and even, but haven’t we been determined to go on no matter what. You have your parents’ support, your mentor’s guidance and your God’s incessant blessings. C’mon, people! You may be down once or twice but I know you’ll never surrender!

So, c’mon people!

Foto ini diambil di 8-8-2008. Saya dan mentee-mentee saya gerak jalan sehat mengelilingi wilayah Universitas Ma Chung. Itu adalah hari untuk dikenang. Saya tidak menyangka foto ini bisa begitu pas dengan posting saya di atas itu.

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